Take a VIP Tour of Hotel City with Stian Hansen


This week we take another exclusive look at Hotel City. We spent a few minutes with Stian Hansen, the game’s producer, to find out what it was like to bring Playfish’s latest game to life.

Hi Stian. Let’s start with your role in Hotel City.  Is it fair to call you the “proprietor”?
Hi everyone. Yes, I suppose it would be fair to call me that. But my official title at Playfish is producer. I’m responsible for all aspects of Hotel City, from the concept to getting the game launched, and ensuring the game is packed with all the fun and social features our players expect. In my role I work with a wide range of people at Playfish, which is really cool.

How did the idea for Hotel City come about?
Since everyone at Playfish is involved in making our games, the hotel management theme came up quite a few times. After putting the idea down on paper and getting some feedback, it really felt like the beginnings of a fun and very social game. When players see the name of the game I believe they’ll understand right away what this game is about, namely building and running your own hotel. We’ve managed to make it very easy to get in to. In fact, my 4 year old son got to play it during development and he absolutely loves it!

What’s the aim of the game?
Hotel City is about building and decorating your very own hotel. You’ll need employees, so you hire your friends. Your guests want to enjoy their stay at your hotel, so you can build them fun rooms that include a swimming pool, a restaurant, arcade, and many other fun things. It’s entirely up to you! I can’t wait to see what cool hotels are created by our players.

That sounds fun! How about a cool Hotel City tip?
I would suggest not spending all your money on just one thing.  Hotel guests can be pretty demanding, so I recommend listening to them and the watching the speech bubbles that pop up. Those will give you plenty of direction.

What’s been the most challenging aspect of creating Hotel City?
Narrowing down the amount of features in the game, for sure. When people play the game they’re inspired and come up with all these fun things they’d like to see in the game. Filtering out the best ideas and deciding what goes into the first version of the game is tricky and you don’t get a second chance of doing that once the game is live. Of course, we’ll keep adding things, but we wanted to give players some really great features to play with in their first session so that they can start having fun straight away.

What’s been the most fun aspect of creating Hotel City?
Honestly, the whole thing has been one big joyride, even to watch the game develop. The Hotel City team is so full of energy and good spirits and that shows in the game. I keep hearing how Hotel City is the Big Buzz in our other studios right now, and that really is a great inspiration to me and the team.

Will you be adding any new features to Hotel City in the next few weeks and months?
Now that the game is live, we’ll dive right into adding more features. We’ve got small and big features planned – they all go very naturally with the hotel theme of the game. There will be something for those who play the game for the decorating fun and something for those who enjoy the more strategic managing and building aspects. Keep your eyes on the fan page for updates!

What’s your hotel called?
During development I came up with a new name for every time I played the game, but one day my creativity ran out and I got stuck with the name from the day before. It’s simply “Asda Hotel”.

Who have you hired as staff in your hotel?
That’s the fun thing about Hotel City – it’s a small twist on the concept of hiring friends in Restaurant City. You’re not really in control of who gets to work at your hotel. You post up an ad on your wall letting your friends know that you are hiring, and the first of your friends to click the link gets the job! It’s going to be a race to get there first because, as a bonus, your friends will receive coins for working at your hotel and can collect bags of coins from you every time you run a shift. There’s a bonus for you when your friends work at your hotel, too, as temporary staff are more expensive per shift, whereas your friends are far cheaper to employ!

Any final words?

Yes – a big thank you to all of our fans who have already started playing Hotel City! Don’t forget to check out our fan page and the forums for the latest updates from Hotel City. We love hearing your suggestions so please keep them coming in!

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158 Responses to “Take a VIP Tour of Hotel City with Stian Hansen”

  1. florence Says:

    i hope that hotel city can allow to sell back the item that we have bought and should increase types of item.


    luv this game

    • abby Says:

      I agree with florence. It will be more profitable if we can sell back items.

      I also propose to open up more items as gifts for friends. It will be a lot more fun if we can share cool stuff with our neighbours.

      Thanks for creating this game!

    • Elcidi hotel Says:

      You can sell back your item by dragging the item to the money case in the redecorate page.

  2. francesco devildice Says:

    i like this new game 🙂

  3. Chen Yi-Ling Says:

    大房間 也許可容納兩個客人

  4. MaxiVelasco Says:

    I so love this game. I’ve been playing this game for 6 days and I am so into it!

    I just hope that Error 14 will not show up anymore.

  5. rizky Says:

    i leveled up to level 10 haha, hire me!

  6. youssef kassem Says:

    send me

  7. Jose Says:

    The game is fun i really enjoy it…

  8. Omair Al Omari Says:

    thx for the wonderful game i love it iwould like u to help me with it

  9. Doreen Eyre-Baker Says:

    Have started playing, having fun with game but I am not able to send gifts to friends. Is this a problem that will be fixed?

  10. Lala Says:


  11. Joanne Says:

    i wish i can make a games program like playfish. what do u guys use here in playfish for making the games??

  12. bb Says:

    why i not a vip?and not enough coins!

  13. Johnny Stevens III Says:


    To me the game is a hit already, i just would like to have myself working in the Hotel, and to be able to design my character. That’s the only thing i’m missing.

    Less than a week, and i have my Bar 🙂 I’m happy with the game, and business is Boomin’ but, RC is still my #1 game 🙂 sorry.

  14. maia maciel faccini Says:


  15. Achira Says:

    You guys are so awesome. This game will be the another game from playfish that I will play. Thanks for create an awesome game for us

  16. jay cruz Says:

    very nice ty

  17. Ceci Says:


  18. Tenshi Says:

    I LOVE Hotel City 😀
    is my favorite game now
    thank you Stian Hansen!

  19. Pilo Says:

    I have been playing it and I have to say it is a very nice game.
    Just one thing, will one be able to change the looks of the avatar? xd
    because that’s something you can do at almost every playfish game, but in this one seems to be at random.

  20. Teena Says:

    love the game already, and can’t wait to see what up ahead in the future.
    like bed mint that power up your or guest for more money. something like that. I enjoy this game!!!

  21. Brucella Says:

    I’m not able to receive any gifts that friends send. Why is that?
    And why can’t we choose friends to do jobs instead of people
    having to rush for the job?
    Thank you.

  22. Julie Says:

    I love the new items you released this week!! A great assortment of decor, wallpapers & floors to create with! My bare rooms are going to be completely reinvented!!

    I would love to see the “sell item” feature added in the next game update!

  23. cheese Says:

    Um, I would like to know when the ‘sell item’ button will be up and running ? Because it’s still ‘coming soon’ and I need it urgently x D

  24. Jasmine Says:

    Can you please make it able to sell things

  25. kim eun suk Says:

    its ausome!!!!

  26. winnie Says:


  27. Zosene Says:

    I love your game!! I’ve been playing other applications before, but Hotel City is different. I don’t know why but it gives me satisfaction every time I start a shift.

  28. Michele Says:

    i love the game..
    but there’s a problem..
    When i bought a stuff and try to move it, it’s gone..
    And now.. idk where’s the stuff.. my money lost too..
    could u fix it?

  29. lucia Says:

    porque el pet no funciona??
    queremos jugar lo extrañamos

  30. ale Says:

    hi i need take a vip of hotel city

  31. Tricia Says:

    I enjoy playing the game, however, I get frustrated because it takes SO long to earn coins and the things I need to buy cost SO much. And you also have to pay the people to work. Like I said earlier, I like the game but I think some tiny adjustments should be made.

  32. Shanty Z. Says:


  33. Top Posts — WordPress.com Says:

    […] Take a VIP Tour of Hotel City with Stian Hansen This week we take another exclusive look at Hotel City. We spent a few minutes with Stian Hansen, the game’s […] […]

  34. Cassie Says:

    There is a reward of 4 playfish cash but I agreed and I had no playfish cash the next time I logged in again…

  35. aurora Says:

    love it all…

  36. 2545 Says:


  37. Stacy Allison Says:

    Where dothe gifts go when you accept them, I can’t find where they go to use them? How soon till you can sell items??

    • KarenL Says:

      You can find all the free gifts in your requests. There’s a link for that on the right of your facebook homepage. Once you get there you may have to scroll down quite a lot. The gifts from other games are all there too. Hope you find this helpful! 🙂

  38. Yuppy with no k Says:

    I’m so addicted to restaurant city,now this 1 2!!!!!!!

  39. rianemthree Says:

    where did I can download adobe flash pro for free and what version of photoshop did you use ? and I think playfish game its very good

  40. AshleyN Says:

    First, i like the game VERY MUCH.
    Second, why we can’t sell / gift things ?
    Third, Why the things are so expensive ?

  41. Marcarrie_tharden Says:

    Awwww… I love playing hotel city.. Its fun.. =) I want to own my own hotel next time.. 😀 ehehe…

  42. fanzoe Says:

    sometimes, decorating rooms stuffs up. could you fix it?
    sometimes there are two bed rather than one and one is not being used.

  43. Anna Says:

    Wow. Thanks so much for launching this game! My brother and I have been on every day since its launch, and we look forward to the great new improvements that are still to come! =)

  44. Cristian Higuera Says:

    Quiero Ganar Bonus Especiales O Otras Cosas Me Gusta Este Juego Gracias 🙂

  45. Maureen patsy Says:

    I am going to play for the first time and I hope it’s as fun as the rest of your games

  46. jonathan Says:

    i wish i can make a game like u i want have play fish (67800)

  47. jonathan Says:

    hello play fish your game is very nice,good,and well i like your game i wish i can make game like u

  48. Nur Syahirah Says:

    yeah same here! i played Hotel City and it is so fun~well not so fun but tnx to whoever created these playfish games~ my fav is Restaurant City and new~ Hotel City too!!

    xoxo SYAHIRAHxoxo

  49. ANGEL Says:


  50. tung ho Says:


  51. wu Says:

    I wish i can create or choose my character and can be the one that work on my hotel, not just only invite friends.

  52. Rizka Says:

    ok best hotel

  53. Ottis Says:

    Man ..
    cool ! 🙂
    anw .
    can you rotate the charis and other staffs ?

  54. me Says:


  55. me Says:

    i want to know what is this tour

  56. oskar Says:

    kiero todo

  57. Hotel City « Dinithi's Alcove Says:

    […] Life at Playfish and games.com has guidelines for Hotel City as well as many other games… It’s still too early to give good tips… Hopefully they will add more features to this with time and make it something wonderful like Pet Society one day a partial and zoomed out view of my hotel "Caelan" […]

  58. justqee Says:

    Wow! only photoshop and adobe flash pro you can make this game…. cool (^-^)8

  59. JordanKB2 Says:

    hi is there anyway of getting free things for hotelcity or your uther games reply please.

  60. nabila Says:

    hey Stian?i wanna ask u.why the hotel city keeps asking me to reload reload and reload??

  61. Ruba Ismail Says:

    I wish I could be wd u !! I LOVE U HOTEL CITY

  62. alex lau Says:

    add me and take me to vip please

  63. Maxwell Says:

    Here comes another creative game from Playfish! Thank you for creating such great games! ;D

    Btw, my grey bunny had went missing 2-3 days back. 😦 I was in the middle of re-decorating my farm when the Internet connection broke and by the time I re-logged in & opened Country Story, my grey bunny couldn’t be found anywhere. Now, I am unable to complete the “Need Cotton Balls!II” mission. [T3T]

  64. julee Says:

    how are the hotels ranked? I know its by level, but what if its the same level?

  65. roland Says:

    playfish can u tell me how to make playfish game your game are super cool..

  66. Jpow Says:


    Thanks for conceptualizing such a addictive and wonderful game.

    Just 2 questions.

    1) There are available DECORATED Rooms, for example Calm Ocean for Small Room that earns 7coins.
    If i chose to self decorate it the same (despite its cheaper to buy ready decorated room), does my coins earnings increases? Example from 3coins to 7coins. ?

    2) If my room decoration bar is full, does my earnings increases too ?
    Example Budget Room: 1coin to 3coins. / Small Room 3coins to 7coins?

    Prompt Reply will be greatly appreciated.

  67. liubvy Says:

    I love this game….but….I want more decorations for less money….or rooms crazys!!!…just a comment….

  68. Marisol Says:

    Great game! All my sisters and I love it!

    Just a quick question, why is that after hiring the first person no one else can get the jobs I offer in my hotel?

  69. Phoebe Says:

    i like this new game..

  70. Rosie Says:

    i want to restart my game im not satisfied with it please tell me how to restart it i tried to remove this app off my fb then joining it again but then when i played it again its still the previous one!!! 😦

  71. viky Says:

    i hope that hotel city can allow to sell back the item that we have bought and should increase types of item.

    thanks broo…..

  72. anita collier Says:

    i love hotelcity its a great game

  73. Seth Says:

    i also wish that we can sell things back and ask for gifts from other friends ^^ and i just played for one day and its like im really an adict

  74. 鑑ねレん Says:

    cool i hope hotel city have many fiture and item to decorate the room more exclusive! the best! by Len

  75. michael Says:

    WheN CaN GifT oR seLL IteMs?

  76. cieta Says:

    i love this game. but it’s very hard to get the money 😦

  77. adry Says:

    i love this game

  78. irena salsabila Says:

    i want you give me many playfish

  79. Tang Chang Zheng Says:

    I L0v3 H0t3L (!tY !!!

  80. Becca Morgan Says:

    Love this game..you did an incredible job with the effects and nostalgia..a bit whimsical..I love it..AWESOME WORK!!!

  81. Jonathan Ayco Says:

    Please make the selling and giving gifts active now please and thanks 😀 Your Happy Fan,

  82. marcial Says:

    BEST GAME EEEEEVARR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 tnx 4 making dis game stian hansen!!!!

  83. mousunny Says:

    the items too much~

  84. Penny Says:

    Big Fun Game!
    More bonus please~~~~

  85. 2kprince Says:

    i rely love this game.,
    hope can have a rotating of the furnature
    in hotel city.,…………………………

    and also have a sell back on the old item!!!

  86. william Says:

    this is a very good game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ll rate it 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. Abc Says:

    i like this game

  88. Subin Bang Says:


  89. lauren Says:

    fun game

  90. Kimmy Says:

    Uwaaa, I love Hotel City!~ 😀 I just hope the “sell” function comes out soon.. I’ve bought so many things! xD;;

  91. Fish Says:


  92. Ali Faisal Says:

    I love the game ! It’s so creative.Congratulations Stian Hansen for this great game.I am level 34 ! Add me if possible.There are few bugs in the game,but that’s okay.

  93. Falicia Says:

    I love this game. I can’t get enough of it!!! Thanks. Trying really hard to get all my friends to join in, so far just 2.

    Determined and happy to play.

  94. wan kheong Says:

    I have problem with game.
    The game Show “We’re currently unable to establish a connection to Hotel City…Click here to retry” all time, and I can’t refresh it. how should i go about it for the past 3 days

  95. nahnah Says:

    after visiting my friends for awhile, there would be this pop-up saying that an error has occured and I would have to refresh the page. Upon doing that, the coins collected would be annulled and I would have to restart it all over again. I wish such instances would be resolved as soon as possible. Overall, the game’s great.

  96. Rita Hopkins Says:

    hello! Hotel City!

  97. Lei Xiau Says:

    I EasiLy Got AddicTed To This.:)

  98. kosicas Says:

    Greats games!!!!!!

  99. aileen o Says:

    i like the game but after a while it sucked. you get very few coins at a time, then you spend almost everything on very few items that increase the decoration level only a little bit. either give more coins or lower the prices of your items!! it also too expensive to buy restauants, bars, etc.. if the prices aren’t lowered i’ll stop playing this game eventually.

  100. Periquita Says:

    Please!! Add the option “send to a friend” in the “redecorate” tool!!!

  101. Poo Fish Bum Says:

    Ek foel byer varem fandag en ek hoe mos nie fan dit nie want ek is ferfeelag!!!

  102. zee Says:

    i cannot open my hotel!! is there something wrong with all playfish game?? T___T

  103. SMILE Says:

    i really love hotel city its really a fun game where you can have your own hotel and FOR NOW IM IN LEVEL 14……………HOTEL CITY ROCKS !!!!!!!

  104. ngwha Says:

    playfish makes my days in FB

  105. macky Says:

    I’m fed up with the fact that many of the decoration items I´ve bought vanish (lamps, wallpapers, etc.) when I save the game. I buy something, and the next time the item is not here. But the money doesn´t come back, of course…

  106. Brandy Says:

    I am enjoying Hotel City but am concerned with a few issues. One, when I click on posts that my friend just posts to claim the stars and on the facebook page it always says the gifts have already been claimed even when her and I are the only friends playing. Also, when I do collect stars, I will go into hotel city and they will not be available in my box. Plus I have had three freinds join after me and they are all ahead of me. I play every day, sometimes a few times per day. How come I am not leveling up as they are. My hotel is 5 stars and every room is decorated in the green. I also have all of my employees. I am not understanding. Please help.

  107. Brandy Says:

    Also, one time I added three rooms and had collected coins from neighbors, then I recieved an error message, had to refresh, and I lost everything… the rooms and my coins. I tried to re-do collecting, etc and I still didn’t earn enough to buy the three rooms again. 😦

  108. xerine Says:

    hmm… Something wrong happen in my hotel city.
    I only have 3 cinema in hotel city but why I need 4 cinema manager??
    I don’t know, it is only happen to me or it happen to other people in hotel city too. Because of that, I need to pay more for the temporary worker. >.<

  109. AikoShirley Says:

    hope hotel city can play in full screen mode!!!!!i love this game so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  110. Abhishek Says:

    plz start giving out free playfish cash ????????????????????????:( too all the gamesssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

  111. Abhishek Says:

    大房間 也許可容納兩個客人

  112. Abhishek Says:

    大房間 也許可容納兩個客人

  113. Amy Mok Says:

    I have just lost a small room (costing $8500) with fine decorations and yellow wall during the building process. Could u help to fix the problem because I love that room so much and it costs much too. Thanks.

  114. valeriev Says:

    depuis que j’ai commencer je suis devenue accro merci au concepteur

  115. anita Says:

    wow, really very expensive for the wages, it increases day by day ah, my hotel cannot afford anymore while i cannot invite more friends ……..

  116. brixie Says:

    Please be my friend and sent me gifts!

  117. Amy Mok Says:

    Thanks for fixing the problem (return of the small room), but it makes another room disappeared – a budget room with a baby bed and other decorations. Please help. Thanks.

  118. Dominic Says:

    i cant send can you help me please

  119. brenda Says:

    i love your game but it really gross me out with the roaches sometimes i can’t get back i almost quit playing because of the bugs

  120. Kevin Lw Says:

    I Have a same problem with wn kheong…
    It’s so frustating…

  121. thomas Says:

    how do you change what your character looks like?

  122. Stacy Says:

    Cute game but still has a lot of glitches, as I’m sure you are aware of. I have a heck of a time buying rooms and/or moving them around. The coin count changes and the system seems to just stop operating. I would like to see a higher count for the guest stays OR lower $$$ needed to purchase rooms, decorations, etc. It takes way too long to get coins at $1/stay, even $3/stay when just starting. I’ve paid for my restaurant three times before it stayed from one visit to the next. And now, I can’t buy a bar, even though I have plenty of blocks left, plenty of $$$.. AND I even put entire rooms in storage.
    Gets frustrating…so I go away and when I come back I have roaches (cute and funny, frustrating too..ha!). And last but not least, I hate that I have paid for temporary help for many hours, sign out to go play another game, and come back to find that I have to pay all over again for the help I already paid for that wasn’t near finished. It is a cute game and I will keep coming back to see if the glitches have been corrected.

  123. michael Says:


  124. michael Says:

    bakit n black ung facebook ko

  125. siu Says:

    Thianks for creating Hotel City. I really love playing it (and RC). Actually, I was just wondering if there’s an easy way to filter out the facebook friends list to just the friends that have already installed the game to be able to easily send out the free gifts? Thanks~.

  126. mohammed Says:

    this game is awesome!!!

  127. Tong Huyen Says:

    I lost 7 blocks in my hotel city
    I love this game, but it has many error 😦

  128. phoebe Says:

    hello i love this game but i think that the amount of money that can be earned in a short time is too little, it gets boring after awhile waiting for the money :/

  129. lucyboy Says:

    er det gøyt spill.

  130. breanna Says:

    so so so so so great great great great great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  131. blade stevens Says:

    cool cool cool for me that is

  132. Bora Can ASLI Says:

    Stian Hansen, where are you from?

  133. Bora Can ASLI Says:

    Stian Hansen, where are you from? Please say it for me!

  134. diyan Says:

    i cant collect gifts from my friends…
    it always empty boxes although i know that my friends just posting the gift at their wall…
    please fix it….
    i hope soon….

  135. Alessandro Says:

    Nella vita mi occupo di marketing e comunicazione, sto approfondendo il beehaviour marketing e penso che in questo meraviglioso gioco si possa sviluppare qualcosa di veramente eccezionale. Per la vostra società potreste mettere in vendita dei banner con la pubblicità degli alberghi di lusso presenti nel mondo, chiedere a loro se vogliono questo tipo di pubblicità. Nel gioco penso si debba ancora migliorare qualcosa, esempio nel ristorante fare scegliere il menù e far decidere al giocatore il prezzo della stanza per notte, il prezzo dell’entrata in palestra, la durata del tempo per un camera normale o per una suite.
    Spesso il gioco diventa noioso per i troppi rumori, cercate di differenziare il suono delle monete conquistate con il suono dell’avanzamento del livello.
    Tra le varie stanze oltre quella della pulizia cercate di inserire quella dell’idraulico, squadra anticendio, infermeria. Manca nell’albergo la piscina!! Potreste decidere vari tipi di piscine da poter acquistare. Per gli altri suggerimenti … non esitate a contattarmi anche sul mio cellulare 00393338253158 sarò lieto di poter collaborare con voi. Distinti saluti.

  136. sean Says:

    it is good but it dosint give me my money some times 😦 y

  137. ENsu Says:

    I have to complain that sometimes (two times actually…) my wallpaper would dissapear….
    Is there any other else encounter such problem?

  138. Stian Hansen Says:

    Hello, I’m fucking Norway’s ethnic origin… Playfish Russia is best
    Стиянь Хансын
    Норвегия ебать

  139. cyndi Says:

    my hotel city always ‘click here to retry’, then problem still same,it’s been a few days alrdy,how to fix it??how to load in again?

  140. Dixie Says:

    why have I not received the gold Bell Boy statue?

  141. Ce Says:

    PONGAN la bandera ARGENTINA.
    I want the ARGENTINIAN FLAG!

  142. casi Says:

    i loves this game! its very addicting! ^-^

  143. Chikai Says:

    hey, you misspelled PHILIPPINES in the flags section. just letting you know so you can fix it. 🙂

  144. MONICA 181 Says:


  145. MONICA 181 Says:


  146. Ella Says:

    I have tried many different ways to get the application ‘Hotel City’ to work for me. I have tried using different computers, searching in different things in the ‘search’ bars, tried getting to it through playfish.com, and many other ways all of which don’t work.
    Please help me find a solution to my problem.

  147. lincey Says:

    i love hotel city,it’s a nice game
    it is fun,i personally enjoy it
    so come play it than enjoyyyy….

  148. Maree Says:

    i am unable to click onto ‘Play Now’ for Hotel City. There seem to be a problem. pls assist. thk u.

  149. Maree Says:

    i dont seem to able to click onto ‘Play Now’ of Hotel City in Facebook under another email account. Could u pls advise. Thank you.

  150. maureen talley Says:

    You don’t accumulate enough coins to keep the hotel running AND buy fancy things for the hotel. Also you do not have a chance to earn coins like most of the other games–that are not Playfish–would let you: Cafe World does, Farmville does. So why not you?

  151. radar o'rieley Says:

    what happened to the post i posted abt ur lousy game ????????????? are u folks afraid of truthful citisism??????????

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